Our Data - Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most common questions that we get about SaaSy Trends. If you have any other questions, please reach out to us using our contact page.

How often is data updated?

We are continually finding and adding new companies to add to the trends database. Search volumes are updated monthly when data is available (usually around middle of the following month, e.g. June data is available in mid-July).

What does "volume" mean?

We identify the most common brand search terms for a company (yes, we filter out terms that have other common meanings) and then we track the search volume growth of those terms over time.

How does the search function work

The search function will search descriptions for close matches to what you searched (e.g. modeling will find descriptions that contain modeling, models, moddels, etc.). If you are looking for an exact match, use double quotations around a string (e.g. "3d modeling").

How are the trends sorted?

In general, we sort trends from the highest growth to lowest growth. We calculate growth based on the strength of the search trend and rate of growth.

Do I need to register?

Free users do not need to register and can still view a significant number of trends. If you want to get full access to the trends database you will need to register and upgrade, see the Pricing page for more details.

Can I track certain companies that I'm interested in?

Paid users are able to click a little star icon on any company panel to "track" them, and then you can view all your tracked trends in your account dashboard.