SaaS Privacy Policy Generator (Free)

This is a free SaaS idea generator that does not require signing up. Note that it's intended use is to quickly create a starter privacy policy before you have users to act as a placeholder.

Once you need a professional one, we highly recommend using a service like Termly.

Enter in as much detail below as you can below about your business, then click the button at the bottom to generate your privacy policy. It is basically just an AI wrapper, built for convenience, which takes 15-30 seconds to generate your page. Use the copy button to copy the raw HTML to your clipboard, but double-check everything, as AI can generate inaccurate statements, especially if you do not provide many custom details.

Select Sections to Include in Privacy Policy (1/2)

Does a SaaS really need a Privacy Policy?

If your SaaS is just launching, a basic privacy policy like the one generated by this free tool may be sufficient initially. However, as your business grows, you will likely need a more comprehensive policy drafted by a legal professional. Here are a few reasons why a SaaS needs a well-crafted privacy policy:

  • To inform users about the types of data you collect and how it’s used.
  • To comply with legal obligations such as GDPR, CCPA, or other data protection laws.
  • To build trust with users by being transparent about data handling practices.
  • To outline user rights regarding their personal information.
  • To establish procedures for handling data breaches and security measures.

Can't I just ask ChatGPT for a privacy policy?

Definately! We use OpenAI behind the scenes here (with a few small twists) with a refined prompt to make the generator work. That's why it's a free tool.

We created this tool as a straightforward and convenient starting point to save you time, which you can use as a placeholder or further develop later.

What sections should be in a privacy policy?

While there aren’t strictly “mandatory” sections for a privacy policy, it’s important to include an introduction and definitions to ensure the rest of the document is clear.

This generator allows you to add or remove sections based on your needs.

In the second step, you can either provide specific details about your SaaS company or leave the sections blank for a generic version.